How long do editing and proofreading services usually take?

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One of the things you'll normally be asked when sending a document to an editing and proofreading service is how quickly you would like your document returned to you. You can typically choose from a range of turnaround times, depending on the urgency of your document.

To show how your chosen turnaround time might affect when you get your document back, we've put together a quick guide below. You can see from the tables when to submit your work if you need to have it back by a certain deadline.

N.B. These tables are based on the current turnaround times for our own services, but please remember that each editing company's turnaround times will vary.

It's also worth noting that our services are measured in business days (i.e. typical working days from Monday to Friday), while other companies may display their turnaround times in calendar days (Monday to Sunday). Always make sure you check first so that you know exactly when your edited document should be returned to you.

When will I receive my document back if I choose the two-day service?

If you submit your document on: Your document will be returned to you by:
Monday Wednesday
Tuesday Thursday
Wednesday Friday
Thursday Monday
Friday Tuesday
Saturday/Sunday Wednesday

To ensure that we can fit in your project and return your document on time, we have a maximum word count of 5,000 words for documents submitted using our two-day editing and proofreading services. If your document has a higher word count, please choose between our three-day and five-day services when you request a quote.

When will I receive my document back if I choose the three-day service?

If you submit your document on: Your document will be returned to you by:
Monday Thursday
Tuesday Friday
Wednesday Monday
Thursday Tuesday
Friday Wednesday
Saturday/Sunday Thursday

To ensure that we can fit in your project and return your document on time, we have a maximum word count of 10,000 words for documents submitted using our three-day editing and proofreading services. If your document has a higher word count, please choose our five-day service when you request a quote.

When will I receive my document back if I choose the five-day service?

If you submit your document on: Your document will be returned to you by:
Monday The following Monday
Tuesday The following Tuesday
Wednesday The following Wednesday
Thursday The following Thursday
Friday The following Friday
Saturday/Sunday Monday (a week later)

Will my document ever be returned to me sooner?

While there's no guarantee, an editing company may sometimes be able to get your edited work back to you before their promised deadline. But to avoid any disappointment, we'd advise you not to count on this and instead to base your timings on the full turnaround times listed on a company's website. If you get your document back earlier, then think of it as a bonus!

Do you have any other questions about how to use an editing service? Send us an email or add a comment below and we'll try and answer them in a future post.


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